UTHealth Harris County Psychiatric Center


抑郁症类型CausesSigns & SymptomsTreatmentMedication TherapyPsychotherapyLiving with Depression家人和朋友如何提供帮助

到达长老时,会带来变化 - 身体,心理,情感和社会 - 可能破坏自己的生活。有些人还没有准备好接受这一变化。因此,这可能是一种创伤经历。悲伤和灰心的感觉可能是对这些困难情况的正常情绪反应,但是长期,激烈的悲伤并不是年龄较大的正常部分。当这些感觉持续超过几周时,这可能是一种称为抑郁症的主要情绪障碍的迹象。







When a person exhibits depressive symptoms on a consistent basis, that person likely suffers from a dysthymic disorder. When a major depressive episode strikes someone with dysthymia, it is called double depression.

应对压力大的生活事件所产生的压抑情绪代表着与抑郁症的调整反应。丧亲 - 处于哀悼状态 - 也具有重要的抑郁症特征。

最近确定的抑郁症形式 - 季节性情感障碍(SAD)是由季节性变化触发的,例如天气模式或可用的日光量。

Another severe type of depression is manic-depression, or bipolar disorder, so named because its sufferers experience not only the lows of depression but also the highs of mania.


While research has led to a significant understanding of depression, scientists have not found the exact mechanism that triggers depression. Most likely there is no single cause. However, recent studies have linked depression to genetic changes in body chemistry. These changes usually involve imbalances of neurotransmitters (chemicals that allow brain cells to communicate), particularly serotonin and norepinephrine.

Other factors, such as negative family relationships, serious illness, major loss or change, and substance abuse, can cause or complicate depression. Close relatives of people with depression are sometimes more likely to develop either depression or manic-depression than the general population.

Signs and Symptoms


  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness, total indifference and/or extreme guilt
  • Prolonged sadness; unexplained crying spells
  • 跳跃或易怒
  • Withdrawal from formerly enjoyable activities or relationships
  • 无法集中或记住细节;优柔寡断
  • 突然减肥或增加的食欲明显变化
  • Changes in sleep patterns: constant fatigue, insomnia, early waking, oversleeping
  • 无法解释的身体疾病
  • 死亡或自杀企图的想法



Medication Therapy

Antidepressant medications are used to correct imbalances of certain neurotransmitters. Five groups of medications are most often prescribed for depression: tricyclic antidepressants; monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs); selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs); and other "atypical" antidepressants.

The effectiveness of antidepressant medications depends on a person's overall health, weight and metabolism, and other unique physical traits, and they are usually prescribed to fit the individual. If one medication doesn't work, the physician may try another or a combination of medications to determine the most effective regimen. Generally, antidepressants become fully effective within three to six weeks.



Psychotherapy involves the verbal interaction between trained professionals and patients. The therapist uses techniques to help the patient gain personal insight that will allow him or her to positively change thoughts, feelings or behaviors.
Several forms of this "talk treatment" have proven to be helpful in the treatment of depression. They include interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis and psycho-dynamic psychotherapy.

Living with Depression


  • limit commitments;
  • 设定现实的目标和期望;
  • 与其他人共度时光;
  • 参加愉快的活动;
  • 在做出重要决定之前,请寻求亲密朋友或家人的建议;
  • realize they will not "snap out" of their depression;
  • 积极思考并拒绝消极的想法。

How Family and Friends Can Help

The most important thing family and friends can do for the depressed person is to help him or her get treatment. This may involve encouraging the patient to stay with the treatment, going with the patient to the doctor, or even monitoring whether the patient is taking medication.
Another important way to help is to offer emotional support - understanding, patience, affection and encouragement. Always listen to the depressed person. Do not ignore any remarks about suicide; report them to the doctor immediately.