UTHealth Harris County Psychiatric Center

Mood Disorders

Types of Mood DisordersCausesSigns & SymptomsTreatmentsMedication TherapyPsychotherapyLiving with Mood Disorder家人和朋友如何提供帮助

Feelings of sadness and discouragement are normal emotional reactions to difficult situations. But when these feelings last more than a few weeks, or get so bad that they take control of a person's life, it could be a sign of a mood disorder.

Types of Mood Disorders

情绪障碍分为两个基本类别:大学polar and bipolar disorder. Unipolar disorder, known as depression, is one of the most common mood disorders and can range from mild to life-threatening. It can appear at any age, and one in five women and one in 10 men will experience one of the following forms of depression sometime in their lives.


最近确定的抑郁症形式 - 季节性情感障碍(SAD)是由季节性变化触发的,例如天气模式或可用的日光量。

Some forms of mood disorders are limited to women. Post-partum depression (PPD) may occur in some women after giving birth. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) causes mood swings during monthly menstrual cycles. Mood disorders may also occur in women during menopause. In any of these cases, physicians believe that the severe depressions are a sign that another affective disorder already exists.


The manic phase is marked by feelings of utter happiness and high energy. Feelings of despair and hopelessness are common in the depressive phase. It is estimated that one in 100 people suffer from manic-depression. It generally strikes before 35 years of age. The cycles between the low of depression and the high of mania varies from person to person, as do the other symptoms of manic-depression.



Close relatives of people with mood disorders are sometimes more likely to develop either depression or manic-depression than the general population. Other factors, such as negative family relationships, serious illness, major loss or change, and substance abuse, can cause or complicate depression. Even gender and sensitivity to seasonal changes can play a role in mood disorders.

Signs and Symptoms

People who suffer from mood disorders will likely display one or more of the following behaviors:

  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness, total indifference and/or extreme guilt
  • Prolonged sadness; unexplained crying spells
  • 跳跃或烦躁;退出以前愉快的活动或人际关系
  • Inability to concentrate or remember details
  • Loss of appetite or great increase in appetite; constant fatigue, insomnia
  • 无法解释的身体疾病
  • 死亡或自杀企图的想法

In addition to depressive symptoms, people who suffer from manic-depressive disorder will likely display one or more of the following behaviors during the manic phase:

  • Excessively euphoric or expansive mood
  • 与情况不一致的烦躁和愤怒
  • Hyperactivity
  • 宏伟的想法或妄想;极端乐观
  • Lack of good judgment
  • Flights of ideas or racing thoughts; talking in a rush and changing from topic to topic; disorganized thoughts
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • 突然的愤怒,烦躁或偏执狂



Medication Therapy


抗抑郁药物de的有效性pends on a person's overall health, weight and metabolism, and other unique physical traits, and they are usually prescribed to fit the individual. If one medication doesn't work, the physician may try another or a combination of medications to determine the most effective regimen. Generally, antidepressants become fully effective within three to six weeks.


Psychotherapy involves the verbal interaction between trained professionals and patients. The therapist uses techniques to help the patient gain personal insight that will allow him or her to positively change thoughts, feelings or behaviors.


Other forms of therapy are electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and light therapy. While its use has decreased as more advanced medications have been developed, ECT remains very effective for treating patients who cannot tolerate or take medications due to medical conditions, old age, malnutrition, or those who do not respond to antidepressant medications. Light therapy is used primarily for those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Patients using this treatment spend regular therapeutic sessions bathed in light from a full-spectrum light source.

Living with Mood Disorder


  • limit commitments;
  • 设定现实的目标和期望;
  • 与其他人共度时光;
  • 参加愉快的活动;
  • 在做出重要决定之前,请寻求亲密朋友或家人的建议;
  • realize they will not "snap out" of their depression;
  • 积极思考并拒绝消极的想法。

How Family and Friends Can Help

The most important thing family and friends can do for the depressed person is to help him or her get treatment. This may involve encouraging the patient to stay with the treatment, going with the patient to the doctor, or even monitoring whether the patient is taking medication.

Another important way to help is to offer emotional support - understanding, patience, affection and encouragement. Always listen to the depressed person. Do not ignore any remarks about suicide; report them to the doctor immediately.