
Black History Month: Inspired by Black leaders and family members, Campbell looks to a career in medicine

克里斯汀·坎贝尔(Kristen Campbell)
克里斯汀·坎贝尔(Kristen Campbell)正在圣安东尼奥的Uthealth休斯顿公共卫生学院攻读公共卫生硕士学位

医学博士Patricia E. Bath可能不是家喻户晓的名字,而是克里斯汀·坎贝尔(Kristen Campbell),她是一个鼓舞人心的英雄。

坎贝尔一生中戴着眼镜的坎贝尔(Campbell)正在圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)的Uthealth休斯顿公共卫生学院(Uthealth Houston Public Health)追求公共卫生硕士学位,并表示她一直很欣赏开创性的工作浴场对盲人和视力障碍的人来说确实是。

Bath, who died at the age of 77 in 2019, was an ophthalmologist and laser scientist known for inventing a laser treatment for cataracts called laserphaco. Campbell sees Bath as an example of how Black women have so often overcome the odds stacked against them to make incredible achievements.

While inventing new medical devices and techniques, Bath was also making history by breaking down barriers as the first woman ophthalmologist to be appointed to the faculty of the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the first woman to chair an ophthalmology residency program in the United States.


Following in the footsteps of her mother and other Black physicians in her life, Campbell plans to go onto medical school after finishing up her master’s in public health. Campbell believes her MPH will help her as a doctor to have more compassion and understanding for her patients, especially for communities of color.

“I believe every medical professional should have a public health background, just so they can understand that health is more than treating symptoms,” she said. “It’s really about preventing symptoms from even happening in the first place.”




As for Campbell’s particular path in the world of medicine, she said she’s not sure yet what area she would like to focus on in medical school and beyond, but said she is passionate about understanding and improving the rates of maternal mortality,especially for Black women

坎贝尔(Campbell)吸引了改变妇产科和妇科的未来,因为她从黑人妇女那里找到了灵感,这些黑人妇女不愿遭受苦难,但牺牲了该领域的进步,这是现代医学历史的受污染时刻。詹姆斯·西姆斯(James Sims)(1813-1883)发现了治愈后出现后并发症的治愈方法,他对手术进行了痛苦的手术a group of enslaved Black women,未经他们的同意,没有麻醉。坎贝尔说,现代历史学家和健康教育者一直在努力地关注这些妇女的牺牲,并提升她们的故事,称她们为“妇科母亲”。



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