Two UTHealth Houston School of Public Health faculty named 2023 inductees into Kenneth I. Shine, MD, Academy

Two UTHealth Houston School of Public Health faculty named 2023 inductees into Kenneth I. Shine, MD, Academy
Joseph McCormick, MD, MPH, and Shreela Sharma, PhD, pictured left to right.

Four UTHealth Houston faculty have been recognized by The University of Texas System for their teaching excellence and commitment to the enhancement of health science education.

两家Uthealth Houston Houston公共卫生学院,医学博士Joseph McCormick,MPH和Shreela Sharma博士,是2023年的入选者之一德克萨斯大学肯尼斯大学I. Shine,医学博士,健康科学教育学院

该荣誉每年都会授予来自UT系统学术卫生机构的杰出教师。They will be formally inducted with a ceremony on March 4.

Joseph McCormick, MD, MPH

McCormick是教授和DVM的DVM教授,是Uthealth Houston公共卫生学院流行病学,人类遗传学和环境科学系教授。

“博士麦考密克是一位有远见的人。“他预计学习和科学需要解决复杂的健康问题。麦考密克博士是一个行动人物,因此,他在设计和实施高影响力的教学机会方面拥有良好的记录,这些机会为德克萨斯州的学习者提供服务,以准备解决面对我们的复杂公共健康问题状态 - 包括但不限于糖尿病和其他慢性疾病的增长速度以及199大流行。”

He began building the Brownsville campus in 2000. McCormick tailored and designed educational programs to meet the growing interest in public health, and later in bioinformatics, in a way that attracted students while they were in their undergraduate educational experiences, to better meet the needs of the underserved community.

McCormick became the founding campus dean of the School of Public Health in Brownsville in 2001 as part of the Regional Academic Health Center of the Rio Grande Valley, and held that responsibility for 18 years.

Known across the country for his leadership in developing educational epidemiologic research initiatives focused on Hispanic health, McCormick led the Cameron County Cohort, a study that characterized the health issues of more than 5,000 Hispanic Texans.


“I am extremely gratified by the selection to the Shine Academy,” McCormick said. “I worked with Dr. Shine many years ago as a Chancellor’s Fellow in public health. During that time, I also began new programs that provide opportunities for medical students to obtain a Master of Public Health in addition to their MD degree over the four years of medical school. That dual MD/MPH program, begun in collaboration with what is now the Long School of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio, is now in eight different medical schools across Texas and beyond. The selection to the Shine Academy recognizes some of these accomplishments and for that, I am honored to be a member of the academy.”

麦考密克(McCormick)于1971年从杜克医学院(Duke Medical School)获得医学学位,并于1970年获得了哈佛公共卫生学院的硕士学位。麦考密克(McCormick)在宾夕法尼亚大学费城儿童医院(Children's Hospital's Hospital of Pennsylvania)在儿科医院(Pediatrics)临床住院医师。麦考密克获得了佛罗里达州南部学院的奖学金,并于1964年毕业于化学和数学专业。

Shreela Sharma,博士

Sharma目前担任Uthealth Houston公共卫生学院的流行病学,人类遗传学和环境科学教授兼副主席。她曾担任流行病学I课程的首席讲师,这是学校最大的课程之一。自2007年以来,她已指示900多名硕士和博士生。

The McGovern Outstanding Teaching Award honoree in 2020 and the awardee for the Excellence in Advising honor in 2022, Sharma has been a member of the Epidemiology Curriculum Committee from 2007 through 2021 and chaired the committee from 2016 through 2021.

“Shreela is a bright, passionate, energetic instructor who relates abstract concepts to real world examples, thus making the material feel more relatable and concrete,” said Deanna M. Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, campus dean of the School of Public Health in Austin and one of Dr. Sharma’s nominators. “She communicates well with students, colleagues, and community partners, and she is always available to her students even while maintaining an extremely busy research, publications, and presentations portfolio.”

Sharma has educated beyond the classrooms at UTHealth Houston. Sharma led the development of CATCH Early Childhood, an innovative preschool program proven to improve dietary behaviors and reduce obesity among children from low-income families. Her program has been disseminated across more than 1,000 preschools across six states in the United States, impacting more than 50,000 children since its inception in 2009.

Sharma还是Bighter Bites的联合创始人,该计划可以增加获得新鲜水果和蔬菜的机会,并为低收入儿童及其家人提供营养教育。此外,夏尔马(Sharma)是卫生公平集体的共同领导者,该联盟致力于医疗保健和社会服务之间的护理协调,以减轻大休斯顿地区居民健康需求的社会决定因素。


德克萨斯大学健康科学教育学院成立于2005年,以纪念前UT系统执行副总理肯尼斯一世(Kenneth I.Shine Academy的成员被认为是所有系统科学机构的杰出学者和教育领导者。

The Shine Academy fosters excellence in education in the health sciences by recognition of outstanding educators and advancement of knowledge and innovation in the field of education.

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