

Harold A. Henson,RDH,医学博士;MBA医学博士Vineeth John;Shreela Sharma博士;MPH的医学博士约瑟夫·麦考密克(Joseph McCormick)被任命为2023年的入选者肯尼斯·I·斯希尔(Kenneth I. Shine),医学博士,学院。(休斯顿Uthealth的图形)

得克萨斯大学系统的四名Uthealth Houston教职员工因其卓越的教学和对增强健康科学教育的承诺而受到认可。

Four faculty, representing three UTHealth Houston schools, are among the inductees into the 2023 class ofThe University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, MD, Academy of Health Science Education.


  • Harold A. Henson, RDH, Med, PhD, with UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
  • MBA医学博士Vineeth John,在休斯顿Uthealth的McGovern医学院
  • 医学博士Joseph McCormick,MPH, with UTHealth Houston School of Public Health
  • Shreela Sharma博士,Uthealth Houston公共卫生学院


Harold A. Henson,RDH,Med,PhD

Henson is professor and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, and program coordinator for the Master of Science in Dental Hygiene Program at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry.

“博士Henson is a valued faculty member who has continually demonstrated a commitment to excellence in teaching,” said John A. Valenza, DDS, dean of UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry. “He is known nationally and internationally for his collaborative leadership in providing knowledge regarding teaching methodology and education. He has advanced in his academic career and has become a recognized leader in dental hygiene education and professional development. His contributions are extensive and have led to the implementation of innovative approaches to teaching and faculty development.”

2021年,亨森(Henson)被公认为是约翰逊(Johnson&Johnson)美国牙科卫生学家协会牙科卫生奖的获得者。同年,亨森(Henson)被任命为2021 UT System Regents杰出教学奖的获得者。



亨森说:“我真的很荣幸被选为杰出的健康科学教育者群体的成员。”“我期待为Shine Academy的使命做出贡献,以支持和促进健康科学教育,教育奖学金和领导力各个方面的卓越表现。”

MBA医学博士Vineeth John

John is professor and vice chair for education in the Louis A. Faillace, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. He also serves as director of the geriatric psychiatry section and was appointed one of the directors of Clinical Learning Environment at the medical school in 2019.

“For the past decade, Dr. John has focused his educational endeavors on two pertinent themes: expertise development and creativity in health sciences curriculum,” said Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD, professor, chair, and Pat R. Rutherford Chair in Psychiatry at McGovern Medical School and vice president of behavioral sciences at UTHealth Houston. “He is highly respected by his peers as he has been invited to present at grand rounds at various academic institutions. He is a generous mentor to many junior faculty members and is committed to inspiring especially those who feel a bit disillusioned traversing the labyrinth route to professional contentment in academic medicine.”

As the Residency Training Director for the Adult Psychiatry Residency Program at McGovern Medical School’s Faillace Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, John implemented several innovative challenges to the curriculum to help address the new AGGME Milestones requirements and developed a separate research track for psychiatry residents, allowing them to match specifically into this track and participate in research with a mentor matched to their interest.

约翰积极参与了针对增强精神病学居民专业知识的各种教育计划,其中包括组织居民参加美国精神病学协会(APA)举办的年度思维竞赛竞赛的主要作用。来自美国各地的球队参加了初步的资格考试,前三名球队进入了现场危险的决赛。约翰支持的Uthealth Houston精神病学居民在2012年,2013年和2022年赢得了APA MindGames比赛。

In May 2022, John was a visting fellow at the Center for Academic Teaching at Utrecht University, Netherlands. John was one of the featured speakers for TEDx Houston 2012 where he spoke on dysfunctional styles of organizational leadership.

John received his medical degree at Christian Medical College in Vellore, India, in 1991 before completing a residency in psychiatry in 1998 at Tufts University in Boston. He also completed the MBA program at the University of Pittsburgh in 2003 and a fellowship in geriatric psychiatry in 2005 at the University of Miami.

He originally joined the faculty at McGovern Medical School in 2010 as an associate professor and residency training director through 2015. After serving as associate professor at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, John returned to Houston as a professor and vice chair for education in 2018.

医学博士Joseph McCormick,MPH

McCormick is professor and James H. Steele, DVM, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics, and Environmental Sciences at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health.

“博士麦考密克是一位有远见的人。“他预计学习和科学需要解决复杂的健康问题。麦考密克博士是一个行动人物,因此,他在设计和实施高影响力的教学机会方面拥有良好的记录,这些机会为德克萨斯州的学习者提供服务,以准备解决面对我们的复杂公共健康问题状态including but not limited to, the rising rates of diabetes and other chronic diseases and the COVID-19 pandemic.”


McCormick became the founding campus dean of the School of Public Health in Brownsville in 2001 as part of the Regional Academic Health Center of the Rio Grande Valley, and held that responsibility for 18 years.


McCormick initiated the first accelerated master’s program that allowed senior undergraduates to undertake courses for the Master of Public Health or the master’s degree program in biomedical informatics, obtain certificates, and then go on to complete their master’s degree in one or the other discipline. Those programs with UTHealth Houston School of Public Health and UTHealth Houston School of Biomedical Informatics have now expanded beyond Brownsville into other undergraduate programs. McCormick also started programs for training community health workers to assist in telemedicine consultations in the home and to assist families with members with dementia.

麦考密克说:“我对Shine Academy的选择感到非常满意。”“多年前,我与Shine博士一起担任了公共卫生的总理研究员。在此期间,我还开始了新的计划,这些计划为医学生提供了机会,除了医学院的MD学位外,还获得了公共卫生硕士学位。该双重MD/MPH计划始于与现在的UT Health San Antonio的长期医学院合作,现在在得克萨斯州及其他地区的八所医学院中。外围beplayShine Academy的选择认可了其中一些成就,为此,我很荣幸能成为该学院的成员。”

McCormick earned his medical degree from Duke Medical School in 1971 and obtained a master’s degree from Harvard School of Public Health in 1970. McCormick performed his clinical residency in pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania. McCormick obtained a scholarship to Florida Southern College and graduated in 1964 with a double major in chemistry and mathematics.

Shreela Sharma, PhD

Sharma目前担任教授和副茶r of epidemiology, human genetics, and environmental sciences at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health. She has served as the lead instructor for the Epidemiology I course, one of the largest courses at the school. Since 2007 she has instructed more than 900 master’s and doctoral students.

The McGovern Outstanding Teaching Award honoree in 2020 and the awardee for the Excellence in Advising honor in 2022, Sharma has been a member of the Epidemiology Curriculum Committee from 2007 through 2021 and chaired the committee from 2016 through 2021.

“Shreela is a bright, passionate, energetic instructor who relates abstract concepts to real world examples, thus making the material feel more relatable and concrete,” said Deanna M. Hoelscher, PhD, RDN, campus dean of the School of Public Health in Austin and one of Dr. Sharma’s nominators. “She communicates well with students, colleagues, and community partners, and she is always available to her students even while maintaining an extremely busy research, publications, and presentations portfolio.”

Sharma has educated beyond the classrooms at UTHealth Houston. Sharma led the development of CATCH Early Childhood, an innovative preschool program proven to improve dietary behaviors and reduce obesity among children from low-income families. Her program has been disseminated across more than 1,000 preschools across six states in the United States, impacting more than 50,000 children since its inception in 2009.

Sharma is also the cofounder of Brighter Bites, a program that increases access to fresh fruits and vegetables plus nutrition education for low-income children and their families. In addition, Sharma serves as co-lead of the Health Equity Collective, a systems coalition focused on care coordination between health care and social services to mitigate social determinants of health needs among Greater Houston area residents.

“I am grateful for this honor,” Sharma said. “One of my reasons for coming into academia was my passion for teaching and mentoring. I would not be here without some incredible teachers and mentors who taught me everything I know and supported me along the way. I am thankful for the opportunity to pay it forward.”

The University of Texas Academy of Health Science Education was founded in 2005 and was renamed in honor of former UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Kenneth I. Shine, MD, when he retired. Members of the Shine Academy are recognized as outstanding scholars and leaders in education from across all the system’s science institutions.

The Shine Academy fosters excellence in education in the health sciences by recognition of outstanding educators and advancement of knowledge and innovation in the field of education.

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