

劳动节Septermber Baker Ripley


“我们的第一步是进行快速的需求评估,评估沟通机会,确定正在分发了什么错误信息,我们拥有的资产以及组织已经尝试做什么,” Lara Savas博士解释说。在卫生促进与行为科学系中。Savas博士与其他研究人员一起领beplay苹果手机能用吗导该项目的组织和人员配备。

That rapid needs assessment included calling community partners to find out what kind of messaging and materials were needed, and how they could be disseminated. One of the early partners was the South Coastal Area Health Educational Center (AHEC). AHECs enhance communities’ access to quality health care by improving the supply and distribution of healthcare professionals and programs via strategic partnerships. “We like to say, if you’ve seen one AHEC, you’ve seen one AHEC,” jokes Bel Flores, South Coastal AHEC Director?. “When COVID-19 hit, we had a real need for simple, consistent messaging that we knew would make a difference in keeping people safe, like wash your hands, social distance, wear a mask.”

向社区获取信息并不总是很简单。该项目的另一个早期合作伙伴是巴克里普利(Bakerripley),他是一个值得信赖的社区组织,每年与哈里斯县(Harris County)超过半百万的居民合作。巴克里普利(Bakerripley)传播总监埃博尼·弗莱明(Ebony Fleming)说:“我们知道很多人无法获得关键,挽救生命的信息。”“这一大流行确实使数字鸿沟成为了视角。因此,现在我们必须找到接触这些人的方法,这带来了另一组挑战。”

Flores agrees, “All our health fairs, our back to school physicals, events where people would normally get important health information, all that ceased with COVID-19.”

没有停止的是食品分销计划。弗莱明(Fleming)解释说:“ Covid-19加剧了我们地区面临的脆弱社区的所有不平等。”


“[UTHealth School of Public Health] helped us print flyers with information about COVID-19. We’ve been able to stuff those materials into the food boxes at distribution events. Soon, we’ll be having our school supply drives and we’ll be able to use those materials there, as well,” says Flores.

“我们在传单和社交媒体帖子中的目标是针对行为改变的决定因素。We wanted to raise people’s confidence when it came to choosing to socially distance, or choosing to wear a mask.我们想设定对哪些行动有效的期望。” Savas博士解释说。到目前为止,志愿者已经将这些材料转化为4种以上的语言以进行分发。

Both South Coastal AHEC and BakerRipley agree that community members have found the flyers helpful in clearing up misinformation or uncertainty during the pandemic. “The messaging we got was so professional,” says Flores. “Many times for rural or underinsured people, they sort of end up with extras or leftovers [from other campaigns]. We were able to give our communities something high quality, specifically for their needs and concerns. We’re very grateful for that.”

But despite early success, everyone knows there’s more work to be done. “People are struggling to make ends meet. There’s not just the threat of sickness. The disruptions people are experiencing—educational, financial—can have an impact for years to come,” Fleming notes. “As a result, those of us who have the resources to affect change need to start thinking about how we continue to help those who need help the most.”

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