
Cizik School of Nursing and Student Community Center



-David R. Bates.

护理和学生社区中心(Sonscc)是教育建设,学生Nexus,研究中心和教师建设 - 所有人。beplay苹果手机能用吗它的设计与护理实践与建筑环境之间的重要关系谈到了促进卫生保健的生命。可持续设计的每个方面通过考虑人类的舒适性,室内空气质量和自然来促进健康。

The SONSCC, which officially opened in October 2004, celebrated its LEED®美国绿色建筑委员会的黄金认证(USGBC) in 2009. It was the first LEED®德克萨斯大学系统的金大厦,由USGBC的评级系统认可为世界上最逼近,最节能,高性能的建筑物。

Designed byBNIM Architects与湖合作的堪萨斯城|San Antonio的Flato建筑师和包含17个学科和专业的顾问团队,新建筑的总成本为5700万美元。194,000平方英尺的八层楼设有大约200,000平方英尺的最先进的课堂,一个200座礼堂,咖啡厅和餐厅,书店,学生休息室,学生休息室,学生政府办公室,研究beplay苹果手机能用吗实验室和教师/行政办公室。

Because of the limited space at the site, located adjacent to Grant Fay Park (one of the few protected green spaces within the德克萨斯医疗中心),Sonscc在几层中设计为“垂直校园”。The lowest two levels contain the most public spaces, the third and fourth floors hold teaching spaces in several configurations, the next three feature faculty and staff offices, as well as the Center for Nursing Research on the fifth floor, and the Dean’s suite and a roof garden reside on the eighth floor.


Sustainable design strategies employed to achieve the university’s educational and environmental goals include: Energy efficiency (smart glazing, under-floor air distribution, etc.), low-impact resources and building materials, water efficiency (rainwater harvesting), daylighting and embrace of green space.

Recognized as one of the top “green” academic buildings in the U.S., the SONSCC has received 11 prestigious local, state and national architectural design awards.
