
SON Scholarships and Traineeships

Cizik护理学院的目标是授予每个进入课程的15-20%的奖学金援助。奖学金奖励通常从$ 1000满满的学费优惠范围不等。学校的奖学金委员会由教职员工审查在每个学期开始之前的申请,并根据捐助者设定的标准评估申请。

To be considered for a scholarship, a complete scholarship application must be on file.学到更多。


John S. Dunn, Sr. Nursing Scholars Program Scholarships for BSN, MSN, PhD, and Nurse Anesthesia students.
Wm。兰道夫赫斯特护理捐赠 为本科或研究生指定的奖学金。
Crawford & Hattie Jackson Foundation Scholarship 为了支持奖学金和奖学金,包括培训生的津贴,奖品和奖励,奖励是美国公民,GPA为3.5或更高,并且表现出对经济援助的真正需求。
玛丽·克莱因奖学金 研究老年病的护理学生的财政援助。
Rennie Makohon Lesem Scholarship in Nursing 指定为具有良好学业的经济需求的单亲父母。
本爱奖学金 Provides support to nursing students in good scholastic standing with demonstrated financial need.
Dean Ornish endowed奖学金 Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need.
Tanya Kay Ostwald纪念奖学金基金 Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need.
UthealthPARTNERS Scholarship Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need.
Jo Ellen Reed-Gilstrap, RN Scholarship Awarded to nursing students who are in good academic standing and demonstrate a financial need. The purpose of this scholarship is to further support nursing education.
Anna C. Saunders Scholarship Provides scholarships to students in good academic standing.
佛罗伦萨和哈罗德·史密斯纪念奖学金 向成人/老年医学NP的学生提供奖学金。
Patricia L. Starck奖学金 Provides scholarships to students in good academic standing.
Roseann Waindel纪念急诊护理奖学金 Scholarship awarded to a students with a minimum 3.0 GPA, with demonstrated financial need and an interest in emergency nursing.
Mary Joe White Scholarship 每年授予新的或现任的护理学生
President James T. Willerson/Nancy Beamer Willerson Endowed Scholarship in the School of Nursing Provides scholarships to students in good academic standing.
琳达·沃克冬季纪念奖学金 Provides scholarships to students with academic merit and financial need.


Nancy A. Akers Endowed Scholarship To provide scholarship support, based on financial need, to students enrolled in the BSN program at the Cizik School of Nursing.
Rafaela Garcia Saqr Nursing Scholarship 提供奖学金支持护理学生in good standing who are pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree. It is preferred that the scholarship be awarded to students who receive all or part of their preparatory education in the Rio Grande Valley of south Texas.
卡罗尔·刘易斯·海德曼(Carol Lewis Heideman)授予奖学金 To support scholarships for incoming first year BSN students with financial need
Martha C. Gooding Foundation for Compassionate Nursing Scholarship 从捐赠基金中分配的资金应用于向一名表现出财务需求的本科生的年度奖学金提供年度奖学金,并偏爱一名高级护理学生,他们打算从事急性/重症监护环境中专注于患者护理的护理职业。
海伦·希门尼斯·迪科索(R.N.)奖学金 根据经济需求和学术优惠,向本科生提供奖学金。


Elaine Elizabeth Barbiere Scholarship 为对儿童健康感兴趣的研究生提供支持。
南希·伯格斯特罗姆(Nancy Bergstrom)老年医学护理奖学金 Awards scholarships to doctoral students in good academic standing with an interest in gerontology.
Florence and Harold Smith Memorial Scholarship Award scholarships to graduate students with an interest in gerontology.
威廉·兰道夫·赫斯特老年医学护士从业者奖学金 支持成人/老年医学护士从业者计划的MSN学生的奖学金。
哈米尔基金会精神病学/心理健康护士从业人员奖学金 Support scholarships for MSN students enrolled in the Psychiatry/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program.
麦戈文基金会精神病学/心理健康护士从业人员奖学金 为参加精神病学/心理健康护士从业者计划的MSN学生提供支持。
Patricia L. Starck奖学金基金/JP McGoven基金会奖学金 奖学金支持Cizik护理学院博士课程的学生