

for employer website


Due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic the School is unable to conduct on-campus events at this time. We however, would very much like to offer our community hospitals and agencies an opportunity to connect with our students. To that end, if you would like to participate in a virtual information event, please let us know. We will be happy to find a date and time that works best for the population of students you are looking to attract. The School has access to Webex to perform the events, but you can also use your own platforms. To discuss this opportunity or schedule an event, please email csonalumni@uth.tmc.edu.

How to Advertise an Open Position

Through the School’s managed job board, email, and via Facebook students and alumni can receive information regarding open position. To request a job announcement to be advertised, please complete thejob posting request form。通过此表格,您可以指出您希望发送职位发布的组(学生,校友或两者)。大多数帖子将在收到请求的24-48小时内分发。

Please note that the School reserves the right to deny any request that does not seem credible, valid, or which lacks sufficient information about the position.


The School of Nursing hosts Career Day several times a year. Career Day is co-sponsored by the School’s Alumni Affairs Office and Alumni Association who conducts job tip presentations and mock-interviews throughout the event. Prospective employers are invited to participate in Career Day to advertise potential job opportunities. Spaces available for exhibitor tables are limited and provided on a first-come/first-served basis. To ensure you receive an invite to the next event, click here to be placed on theinvite list.

About our Students

Cizik School of Nursing offers programs resulting in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, or Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. In addition, the School also offers post-master programs including two specialized options in Emergency/Trauma Care and Forensic Nursing Science. With more than 1600 students currently enrolled, Cizik School of Nursing graduates an average of 290 nurses with undergraduate degrees and 120 nurses with graduate degrees each year.


  • 护理学院是墨西哥湾沿岸地区排名最高的研究生护理计划
  • DNP是该州排名最高的DNP之一
  • Nurse Anesthesia program ranked number eight (8) in the country
  • 最新的RN许可考试中首次考试塔的首次考试率的97.28%