

What is ProctorU?


最佳实践for using ProctorU

  • Register for an instructor account创建一个帐户and get trainedRegistering an Exam(video)
  • Make an announcement that ProctorU is offered in your course, if applicable.
  • Make theProctoruinformation page课程中可用的链接。
  • Strongly advise students that they must follow all steps on theProctoruinformationpage.
  • 在每次考试之前,Proctoru中的设置测试日期/时间。最好在学期初设置所有考试。
  • Inform the students when they can start scheduling proctor time with ProctorU.

For more information about how it works from the Instructors viewpoint and how to set up an exam, view the documents below:


Q. What do I do if I have an issue or complaint about the proctoring service?




Q. Who do I contact if I need to verify exam information or if a student is having an issue getting scheduled?

A. Please email the ProctorU partner services team at with your course number, nameof the exam, name of the student, and a brief explanation of the issue that needs to be resolved.

Q. Does ProctorU need a copy of the exam?

A. No, ProctorU does not need a copy, the exam will be taken via Canvas.


Please include a list of students and their needed time extension on the ProctorU exam scheduling form in the Additional Exam Notes section. Additionally, you can email the ProctorU partner services team at with your course number, name of the exam, name of the student, and the accommodation that needs to be granted (extra time, taking exam outside of the date, exam instructions [same as on original Exam Request Form], etc.) and they will make a note of the accommodation request in the system, and send you a confirmation email with the student’s name within 24-hours.

For students that have a schedule exception, they will need to call the scheduling team in order to make their reservation by calling 855-772-8678.

To learn more about ProctorU or schedule a training session, please contact CEIR.
