

Faculty members spearhead innovative projects to improve the lives of the elderly

Faculty members spearhead innovative projects to improve the lives of the elderly
Seema Aggarwal博士,RN,AGNP-C(左)和Carina Katigbak,PhD,RN,ANP-BC,FAH,领导着Cizik护理学院的智能公寓的三个新研究项目。beplay苹果手机能用吗
Seema Aggarwal,PhD,RN,AGNP-C和Carina Katigbak,PhD,RN,ANP-BC,FAH,领导着Cizik护理学院智能公寓的三个新研究项目。beplay苹果手机能用吗


研究系的两名教职员工 -beplay苹果手机能用吗Seema Aggarwal,PhD,RN,AGNP-C,助理教授兼合作伙伴研究学者,beplay苹果手机能用吗Carina Katigbak, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, FAH, associate professor – each recently received a $40,000 Aging in Place Research Award. These grants go to interprofessional teams conducting research in the nursing school's Smart Apartment, a laboratory for testing age-appropriate technologies to help older adults live safely and independently. Funding comes from the Maria C. and Christopher Pappas Distinguished Chair in Nursing Endowment, which is held by Associate Dean for Research康斯坦斯·约翰逊,PhD,RN,FAAN和UTHELADY HOSTON HOSTON RENSORTIUM关于衰老的财团。



Aggarwal got the idea for her project, "The Feasibility, Usability, and Acceptability of Using the Oculus Virtual Gaming Reality in Stroke Survivors for Upper Extremity and Cognitive Rehabilitation,” from her teenage son.



VR游戏不是帮助中风幸存者的新方法。已显示它可以改善临床环境中的功能结果。耳机是沉浸式和高度交互式的;但是,先前在研究中使用的大多数设备都很昂贵 - 至少$ 1,000,并带有所需的计算机和固定墙壁传感beplay苹果手机能用吗器。

“消费者级的VR游戏系统的价格只需400美元,使其成为需要治疗的患者的可访问选择。此外,它可能比TelereRebicitation更有效某些环境,TelRehabilitation可能会导致随着时间的流逝缺乏动力和患者满意度。” Aggarwal说。

More than half patients who experience stroke develop arm weakness and cognitive impairments within the first six months of injury, and one in five develop dementia. Because of this, stroke survivors require both upper extremity and cognitive therapies to prevent deformative joints and cognitive decline.

Aggarwal将使用Oculus VR系统进行专门研究,以提供遥远的上肢和认知康复。患者将沉浸在3D游戏环境中,模拟日常活动,这些活动结合了运动和认知康复,称为“双重任务”。双重任务鼓励多个大脑区域之间的神经刺激和相互作用,这被认为可以促进神经可塑性,大脑发展神经元连接的能力,这可能会改善功能恢复。




Helping stroke survivors and their families is a topic that hits home for Aggarwal. Her father experienced a stroke in 1992 and recovered with fewer motor and cognitive deficits than other patients who experienced a similar stroke.


Katigbak是Aggarwal与McGovern医学院的Mary Russell,Do和医学博士的Sean Savitz一起研究的Aggarwal共同投资者之一;Uthealth Biomedical Informatics学院的Jiang Xiaoqian博士;SLP的Heather Smith和UT医生的OT Emily Stevens。

Measuring heart rate as an indicator of stress in caregivers



She added that research surrounding chronic stress or stress reactivity – how people emotionally and physically respond to stressors – has typically only been measured in controlled laboratory settings.




"The results of this study are pivotal to connecting care priorities of older adults and their families and promoting aging in place. In addition, the data we collect may help us develop tailored technology-driven interventions for caregivers, so we are well-positioned to address consequences of chronic stress," said Katigbak.

该项目的共同投资者是休斯顿生物医学信息学学校的萨希蒂·米尼尼(Sahiti Myneni)博士;以及麦戈文医学院的医学博士Jessica Lee。该小组还与Harris Health LBJ House Call计划合作。



"Homebound older adults and their caregivers face multiple challenges to meet various emotional and informational needs," said Katigbak. "In recent years, numerous health-related technologies have emerged – ones that promote behaviors such as physical activity, stress management, and nutritional tracking, which may be beneficial to this population; however, little is known about how the homebound and caregivers embrace these tools."

Katigbak和她的团队将wi中合作th CarePartners, a Houston-based organization that provides support, education, resources, and respite care to family caregivers, to understand how technology may improve health outcomes for homebound older adults and their caregivers. Through a series of focus groups and individual in-depth interviews with a cross-section of participants, including older homebound adults, their caregivers, community stakeholders, and clinicians, they hope to derive a clear picture of how technology can help throughout the aging-in-place process.


Collaborating with Katigbak on the CCTS project are Lee; Padmavathy Ramaswamy, PhD, of Cizik School of Nursing; and Kathrin Milbury, PhD, of MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Laura Frnka Davis


Seema S Aggarwal博士,RN,AGNP-C

Carina Katigbak,博士,RN,ANP-BC,法哈

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