

马修·约瑟夫(Mathew Joseph)的糖尿病研究在ADA科学会议上突出显示

Mathew Joseph-new_big拇指
Nitha Mathew Joseph, PhD, RN

(2018年6月25日) - 美国糖尿病协会正在重点介绍由官方德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth)的Nitha Mathew Joseph,R.N. Nitha Mathew Joseph博士领导的,Beplay体育中心第78届科学会议的新闻简报将于6月26日在佛罗里达州奥兰多举行。

马修·约瑟夫(Mathew Joseph)和她的同事们完成了对从印度搬到美国的七个城市1000多人的统计分析,结果令人不安。当他们采用高热量饮食的美国生活方式和运动不足时,他们已经很高的糖尿病和心脏病风险也更高。银生活是他们的医疗保健提供者现在可以使用此信息来制定干预措施。

Chosen for its overall excellence in furthering research and treatment for people with diabetes, as well as its potential media appeal, Mathew Joseph’s study – “Mediating Role of Acculturation and Lifestyle Behaviors on Cardiometabolic Risks among Asian Indians in the United States” – was presented today to more than 200 journalists from around the world who are covering the latest research on psychosocial and health disparities presented at the ADA’s sessions.

“Acculturation levels influence lifestyle behaviors, and in turn increase the risks for developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease in Asian Indians in the U.S., yet a gap exists in thoroughly understanding the risk factors and the need for screenings and lifestyle modifications to effectively lower those risks,” said Mathew Joseph, assistant professor in the Acute and Continuing Care Department. “Designing culturally tailored dietary education and physical activity interventions for this high-risk ethnic group may promote positive lifestyle changes that have potential to reduce and/or prevent cardiometabolic risks among U.S. Asian Indians.

亚洲的印度ns are the second-largest and fastest-growing Asian American group in the U.S., and they are often prone to developing obesity, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes due to acculturation – namely unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. Adopting American lifestyle behaviors can specifically affect glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and High-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol levels in this group, according to the study.

Researchers concluded that dietary and physical activity interventions that are culturally specific might help lower risks of developing diabetes and CVD in Asian Indian immigrants. Researchers noted that additional research is needed to understand the mechanisms by which acculturation affects other cardiometabolic risk factors such smoking, alcohol, psychosocial factors, and abdominal obesity.


This analysis examined the influencing role lifestyle, specifically physical activity and dietary behavior, had on acculturation and the development of diabetes and CVD among the study participants (average age, 48.5 years). Acculturation was assessed using the English proficiency scores from the Acculturation Scale for Southeast Asians, and dietary behavior and physical activity were calculated from the subscales of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II. The data on cardiometabolic risk factors were collected using HbA1c levels, fasting blood glucose levels, body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and lipid profiles (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides).


Nitha Mathew Joseph,兰吉塔·米拉(Ranjita Misra),王·王(Jing Wang),斯坦利·克朗and Padmavathy Ramaswamy. Mediating Role of Acculturation and Lifestyle Behaviors on Cardiometabolic Risks among Asian Indians in the United States,糖尿病,2018年5月;67(补充1);在线:https://doi.org/10.2337/db18-247-or


– David R. Bates, Communications Director

In this story

斯坦利·克朗(Stanley Cron),MSPH

Nitha Mathew Joseph博士,RN,CNE

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