

Eloi and Arnaud Receive McGovern Awards

Dr. Hildreth Eloi and Dr. Myron Arnaud
Dr. Hildreth Eloi and Dr. Myron Arnaud
希尔德雷斯·埃洛伊(Hildreth Eloi)博士在2022年春季开学典礼上为BSN毕业生提供了护理别针。(照片由Cizik护理学院Sherri Green提供)
希尔德雷斯·埃洛伊(Hildreth Eloi)博士在2022年春季开学典礼上为BSN毕业生提供了护理别针。(照片由Cizik护理学院Sherri Green提供)
Myron Arnaud博士
Myron Arnaud博士

学生选出的两名Cizik护理学院成员接受2022年约翰·麦戈文(John P.希尔德斯·埃洛伊(Hildreth Eloi),DNP,MS,RN和Myron Arnaud,DNP,CRNA。

该奖项由约翰·P·麦戈文基金会(John P. McGovern Foundation)的捐赠者成为可能,该奖项认可了卓越的教学。每年,它都会在Cizik护理学院的一名本科生和一名研究生教职员工介绍。


Undergraduate students selected Eloi, an assistant professor who teaches obstetrics and reproductive health. She received her first McGovern Award in 2020.






“There is nothing quite like a lecture from Dr. Arnaud,” said one student. “He takes up the entire classroom, shares stories, and draws pictures – all with great animation. As a result, his students stay engaged, and the material really sticks!”

Arnaud practices clinically as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) with the UTHealth Department of Anesthesiology, providing clinical anesthesia to a diverse population and various surgical disciplines at the Harris Health Lyndon Baines Johnson General Hospital in Houston. He received his BSN from the University of Louisiana in Layfette, MSN in nurse anesthesia from Baylor College of Medicine, and DNP from Cizik School of Nursing.


Undergraduate faculty:

Graduate faculty:

In this story

Myron H Arnaud,DNP,CRNA

Hildreth Eloi,DNP,MSN-ED,RNC-MNN

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