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Occasionally, it is necessary to change the Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Director (PD) of an awarded grant or contract. This may be the result of a PI withdrawing completely from a project, taking a leave or sabbatical for a continuous period of three (3) months or more, or at the request of University leadership.

大多数联邦提案国都要求受让人在奖励通知中指定的PI或其他关键人员的任何变更之前向他们通知他们,以及在此类变更之前批准任何替代计划或受让人提出的其他关键人员实施。部门应参考奖励的条款和条件,以确定赞助商是否允许奖励保留在原始PI的情况下。一般来说,如果尚未寻求摊款批准或替换PD / PI或关键人员是不可接受的,则赞助商保留终止赠款的权利。

当赞助商需要事先批准,这样的要求uests should be sent in writing to Sponsored Projects Administration for review and approval before they are submitted to the sponsor. Contact your Pre-award Sponsored Projects Specialists for assistance.


  • The department shall prepare a letter on departmental letter head with the PI’s signature addressed to the agency grant specialist. The letter shall request a PI change with a detailed justification including the agency grant number.
  • The department will forward the letter to PAFT who will review, institutionally sign and forward to the agency for review and approval.
  • 原子能机构批准或不赞成PI变更,他们将向水疗中心/辩护者发出修订的Noga,然后将进入的SPA /遵循,然后向Peact转发,以便在PeopleSoft FMS中更新。
  • 如果原子能机构不赞成PI变化,他们将向我们的大学发送电子邮件。